CV English

Tomás Brusco

Professional Indicators

  • Achieved a 1400% increase in sales profits as CEO.
  • Founded an NGO that brings together over 80 individuals from different provinces, publishes an academic magazine with over 10,000 annual readers, and has advised a constitutional convention.
  • Provided courses for over 200 students simultaneously as a teacher.
  • Developed financial litigation strategies as a consultant that potentially earned the Argentine State over 7 million dollars.
  • Managed digital media strategies resulting in over 2.3 million total views.

Work Experience

  1. Management
  • CEO, INEAR Group, 2024-present.
  • Director, Argentine Legislative Observatory (OLEGISAR), 2019-present.
  • Director, INEAR Group, 2022-2024.
  1. Consultancy
  • Consultant, private professional practice, 2020-present.
  • Consultant, University of Buenos Aires, 2020-present.
  • Consultant, Argentine Alzheimer’s Association, 2020-present.
  • Consultant, Ministry of Economy’s Secretariat of Finance, 2023-2023.
  • Consultant, Municipality of Hurlingham, 2022-2022.
  1. Other Experiences
  • Administrative, OLA Project, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), 2020-2023.
  • Administrative, University of Buenos Aires, 2016-2020.
  • Paralegal, Bulló Law Firm, 2018-2018.


  • Lawyer (J.D.), Honours degree, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), 2020.
  • Visiting J.D., New York University (NYU), 2020.
  • Bachelor in Law, UBA, 2018.


  • Advanced Studies Diploma in Election Law and Political Law, National University of Rosario, 2024.
  • Securities Operator, Argentine Institute of Capital Markets (IAMC), 2023.
  • Advanced Diploma in Parliamentary Management and Public Policies, National University of San Martín, 2022.


  • Team management and leadership. Capacity to manage with strategic thinking as an executive both at the business (INEAR Group) and non-governmental organization (Argentine Legislative Observatory) level, with a focus on growth, results, problem-solving, and conflict resolution in new environments and situations.
  • Data analysis, research and planning. Research and data analysis skills, including the ability to gather and interpret large amounts of data to drive informed decision-making processes. Ability to synthesize research results to extract valuable insights for application in project management and strategic planning.
  • Negotiation and institutional relationships. Management of institutional relationships between universities and public or private organizations in order to negotiate and reach agreements (University of Buenos Aires). Agreements made with the International Borges Foundation, Astor Piazzolla Foundation, La Costa Municipality, and Huracán Athletic Club.
  • Litigation and legal opinions. Multi-jurisdictional legal and financial knowledge to litigate and draft opinions in court cases involving corporate entities with significant domestic or international capital disputes (Argentine Ministry of Economy; Municipality of Hurlingham).
  • University teaching. Experience as a teacher in delivering courses to more than one hundred students, with skills to provide education in various subjects such as financial law, health law, and investments (University of Buenos Aires; Argentine Ministry of Economy).
  • Financial administration. Competence in the capital market to understand and implement global investment strategies based on passive portfolio management through the selection of index funds. Experience in value investment strategies for listed companies through fundamental analysis.

Courses and Certifications

  • Export of Services, Argentine Agency for Investment and International Trade, 2023.
  • Digital Transformation in the Content Industry, Argentine Agency for Investment and International Trade, 2023.
  • Export Plan for Business Internationalization, Argentine Agency for Investment and International Trade, 2023.
  • Introduction to Industry 4.0, Argentine Agency for Investment and International Trade, 2023.
  • Investment Project Formulation, Argentine Agency for Investment and International Trade, 2023.
  • International E-commerce, Argentine Agency for Investment and International Trade, 2023.
  • Economics (Faculty of Economics), UBA, 2023.
  • General Economic and Social History (Faculty of Economics), UBA, 2023.
  • Financial Inclusion Referents Course (RIF), Ministry of Economy of Argentina, 2023.
  • Information Security and Good Practices in the Workplace, Ministry of Economy of Argentina, 2023.
  • Introduction to Economics for Decision Making, Ministry of Economy of Argentina, 2023.
  • Management of Culture and Organizational Climate, Ministry of Economy of Argentina, 2023.
  • Tools for Quality, Improvement, and Data Analysis, Ministry of Economy of Argentina, 2023.
  • Communication Skills, Ministry of Economy of Argentina, 2023.
  • National Securities Exam, National Securities Commission (CNV), 2023.
  • Accounting for Non-Specialists, Ministry of Economy of Argentina, 2023.
  • Comprehensive Financial Inclusion, Ministry of Economy of Argentina, 2023.
  • Bond Calculator: Theory and Practice, Argentine Institute of Capital Markets (IAMC), 2022.
  • Introduction to the Capital Market, Buenos Aires Stock Exchange Foundation, 2022.
  • Good Clinical Practice, The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 2022.
  • Design and Implementation of Public Policies (Faculty of Economics), UBA, 2021.
  • Introduction to Neurolaw, Argentine Neuropsychiatric Association, 2021.
  • Legislative Technique, Competencies, Elaboration and Processing of Projects, ICAP (Honorable Chamber of Deputies of Argentina), 2020.
  • Analysis of Discourse and Parliamentary Scene, ICAP (Honorable Chamber of Deputies of Argentina), 2020.


  • First assistant, Free Chair of Law and Health, Faculty of Medicine, UBA, 2023-2024.
  • Second assistant, Elements of Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, UBA, 2024.
  • Graduate assistant, Elements of Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, UBA, 2022-2023.
  • Student assistant, Bioethics II, Faculty of Medicine, UBA, 2017.
  • Student assistant, Bioethics I, Faculty of Medicine, UBA, 2017.
  • Student assistant, Legal Theory, Faculty of Law, UBA, 2016.


  • «Financial inclusion through the capital market,» OLEGISAR, 2023.
  • «Private investment and development of financial services,» OLEGISAR, 2023.
  • «What is financial law?,» OLEGISAR, 2023.
  • «Political spectrum and governance,» OLEGISAR, 2023.
  • «Citizen’s bills in the National Congress,» OLEGISAR, 2022.
  • «About a national Alzheimer’s law,» OLEGISAR, 2022.
  • «Human rights and Latin American poetry,» OLEGISAR, 2022.
  • «Ius cogens in international jurisprudence,» OLEGISAR, 2022.
  • «Democracy and Argentine government in the 21st century,» OLEGISAR, 2022.
  • «The role of public universities in the 21st century,» OLEGISAR, 2022.
  • «Theory of crime: a possible approach,» OLEGISAR, 2021.
  • «Classic rulings of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation,» OLEGISAR, 2021.
  • «What is a parliamentary speech?,» OLEGISAR, 2020.
  • «The right to access environmental public information,» OLEGISAR, 2020.
  • «The equal protection remedy,» OLEGISAR, 2020.
  • «A digest for legal education,» OLEGISAR, 2020.
  • «A new challenge to the principle of tax legality,» El Dial, 2019.

Conferences Given

  • «Financing for entrepreneurs,» Secretary of Industry and Productive Development of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, November 7, 2023.
  • «Investment instruments to strengthen personal finances,» Secretary of Finance of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, October 20, 2023.

Volunteer Experience

  • Bioethics and Decision Making Observatory (UBA), 2016-present.

Professional Memberships

  • Finance Club of the University of Buenos Aires (CFUBA).
  • Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI).
  • Argentine Society of Political Analysis (SAAP).
  • Public College of Lawyers of the Federal Capital (CPACF; T: 144 – F: 591).
  • Italo-Argentine Association of Lawyers Dottore Giovanni Falcone.
  • The International Society of Public Law, Argentinian Chapter (ICON-S).
  • Association of Lawyers of Buenos Aires, Commission of Financial, Tax and Customs Law (AABA).


  • DeCyT Project: «Carlos Tejedor’s codifying work and its significance. His ideas through the teaching of criminal law» (DCT1824), Faculty of Law, UBA, 2018-2020.


  • Spanish (native).
  • English (C1, TOEFL 105).
  • Italian (A1).

Software and Platforms Proficiency

  • Academic research: JSTOR, Westlaw.
  • Multimedia: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, FL Studio, WordPress.
  • Productivity: Google Workspace, Microsoft Office, Team Viewer, Zoom.


«Dr. Brusco was my student at the Faculty of Law at the University of Buenos Aires, and I can attest to his remarkable intellectual abilities as well as his constant desire to learn and his great interest in achieving professional development. (…) His writing was done with a perfectionist approach that is not easy to find in others of his age. (…) Dr. Tomás Brusco is a warm person who is open to discussing ideas, making it pleasant to work with him. He is committed to his obligations and extremely interested in deepening his knowledge. (…) In summary, Brusco is a great person, highly capable and motivated (…).«

  • Eduardo Mario Laguzzi, Professor of Tax and Financial Law at the University of Buenos Aires and Customs Law at the National University of Luján.

«I have had the pleasure of sharing a series of sessions in which [Tomás Brusco] has stood out for his enthusiasm and astuteness in argumentation on administrative law issues. (…) I can confirm that he is an excellent professional with commitment, dedication, and creativity to work in a team. It is worth mentioning that his academic performance is one of the most outstanding in his institution, so he holds an honorary mention.«

  • Alberto Biglieri, Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Buenos Aires and Secretary General of the Federal Forum of Councils of the Judiciary and Trial Juries of the Argentine Republic (FOFECMA).